•Arawak Media and Caribbean Magazine Plus is hosting a virtual music and song competition where we will feature the best and the brightest new artists from the Caribbean and Central American region. We will have two segments, the first is our solo artist division and the second our group/band division. Our solo segment will allow us to feature those young adults who are musically gifted in their own right and have a passion for the musical arts; while our group/band division will focus on the entire package and concept of group work and presentation. Through this we will have viewers watch and vote for which music video, whether artist or band/group, they think is the best one for the evening. No judging and no interference from specialists or music producers- just a fan based merit system on who the people like the most.

•Our competition is being produced in Nassau, Bahamas and also streamed through Port of Spain, Trinidad to the rest of the world so we are already have a regional scope and influence. We have a top tier production team and star quality studio that will allow our sponsors to have a fluid service for their advertisements. Through Arawak Media’s news platform, Caribbean Magazine Plus, we have our own distribution and marketing channel for all of our pre, mid and post event marketing junkets. This is ideal for both national and regional brands but equally beneficial for local international brands that want to market their goods and services through the Caribbean and Central American region and for sponsors as well.

•By deciding to either enter the contest or be a viewer/supporter, you will be a part of a path breaking new platform that will engage brand new talent at almost all levels. We all know how important it is to highlight music in the region and how important it is to cultural development and tourism. It helps to foster creativity in our young people. The TropicSpin will allow musical artists to showcase their skills in music (instrument/singing/writing), video production (videography, production, audio), and acting. By embracing the music through music videos allows for young people to be exposed and to develop all facets of the music industry only leveraged in larger markets in the North America and Europe.

•Showcasing all sides of the music industry through competition will spur creativity and can be very helpful in their future endeavours. As a region, it is imperative that we help our artists to be the best and highest versions of who they were created to be. Why does this matter? As an industry, music is a Billion dollar industry and so too is video production. •