By submitting your video/content to Arawak Media you understand that your music can and will be reproduced for a recorded broadcast.

Arawak Media will not own or be responsible for your content after the broadcast and subsequent copyright protections must be sought by the content creator.

You also waive the right to request your content be removed or redacted from our full broadcast/presentation without having expressed in writing a reasonable reason for Arawak Media to consider your request.

You understand that it is Arawak Media’s right to publish or not publish what you have submitted to us and you also waive the right to determine the way Arawak Media wishes to use your content and Arawak Media is under no obligation to do anything otherwise.

Arawak Media reserves the right to edit, re-use or re-purpose any material sent to us as a part of this broadcast.

You understand that your music video submission is for a contest to be aired at a later date.

You confirm that the work you are submitting is your intellectual property and no one else.